Here’s what you do: bus up to see the show first. Then, take your belongings, like coolers, bags, or picnic baskets, to the small yellow busses just off the center aisle to the right of the theater. Your hike starts at the left-hand corner of the amphitheater, on the Rock Springs Trail, towards the West Point Inn. Download a HIKE DOWN GUIDE HERE. You can also pick one up on performance day at the Merchandise Booth or from a hiking guide at the Trail Start.

We offer a mid-way point pickup, so you can stop there if you’re tired when you get to the Mountain Home Inn. Refresh yourself with some beverages or a snack, and then catch our Midway shuttle at 6: 30, 6:50, or 7:10 P.M. back to your car. If you’re feeling good and want to walk to Mill Valley, go for it! Your belongings will be waiting for you across from the Bank of Marin parking lot, where you will board another shuttle back to your car.

All along the way are Mountain Play Volunteers to help you stay on the correct trail. Please give them a Hey Ho holler as you walk on by!

If you participate, you’re involved in a long tradition of original Mountain Playgoers.